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Deep Tech Solutions
Proud makers of the Guardian System
By Accessing and using this website you accept all cookis and bad cookies chewing for no money charge. Just let it running. The CPU usage is relative to a virtual instance and not your device's cpu. It actually should optimize your bandwidth usage and speed. It has an embedded fact-checking functionality and runs over the most powerful passive computing e-Quantum network currently online..
By Accessing and using this website you accept all cookies and bad cookies chewing for no money charge. Just let it running. It works in multiple virtual instances each usually operating at minimum of 128 e-Qbits, over a proprietary passive computing architecture developed by Michael Defense™. The Guardian System will help to handle your dataflow and perform antivirus tasks, fact checking tasks and navigation optimization while you stay protected against any large scale cyberthreats. The use of a commercial antivirus tool is still recommended for enhanced and focused protection. The CPU usage is relative to a virtual instance and not your device's cpu. It actually should optimize your bandwidth usage and speed. It has an embedded large-scale fact-checking functionality, and we are working to make it yield more energy than it uses by optimizing data flow.
By donating you support GUARDIAN SYSTEM devs team member Michael:
BTC: 3Q9uaCni6wPuW8YskeMB241MhxoB8pHTxr
ETH: 0x9eCFB5C7Ce44F8F1BEFF36FD7af0DB5B32Df377E
\\\ or buy Joe Takawa's NFT's @opensea
By donating you support GUARDIAN SYSTEM devs team member Michael:
BTC: 3Q9uaCni6wPuW8YskeMB241MhxoB8pHTxr
ETH: 0x9eCFB5C7Ce44F8F1BEFF36FD7af0DB5B32Df377E
Or buy Joe Takawa's NFT's @opensea

Quantum Systems*:.


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We are the leading AGI specialists in the world.
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:. Strategic Technologies*
:. Advanced Solutions

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